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Trailer for Delvon Roe’s acting debut surfaces online

Diamond Leung at found a trailer for Love and Honor, the first film to feature former Michigan State star Delvon Roe. Roe retired from basketball last September due to a degenerative condition in his knees, and wasted no time pursuing his other passion for acting. According to Roe’s IMDB page, he has two other films in development at this time.

For some reason, the film we have for the trailer is dubbed into Russian. No, I don’t know why. Let’s just go with it. Roe appears at the :40 second mark.

The film is set during the Vietnam era, and Roe’s character is pictured in a relaxed position smoking what is undoubtedly a completely legal tobacco product. Anyway, Michigan State fans who miss Roe’s smiling face will be seeing much more of him in the near future, and he’ll be taller than usual on the big screen.